AVIVO - Residency - Jes Reyes - 5 hours

Perpich Arts High School - Residency - Kathryn D’Elia - 6 hours

Things are close to wrapping up at Perpich with the end of the quarter approaching on March 22nd. In both classes, students are aiming to complete their projects, with Drawing to Painting focusing on a value still life painting and Advanced Painting working towards an independent project. I also delivered my lesson REINVENT on Thursday to the Advanced Painting class. I gave a brief slideshow and proposal guidelines to follow so that I could approve the proposed project. Students got started right away and will work through next Tuesday when we have a group critique.

AVIVO was calm this week with only a few artists dropping in to get studio time. I spent most of my time brainstorming and refining details for the charcoal workshop that I will conduct on April 8th.