Residency: Urban Arts Academy- Tamar Ghidali, Rosey Lowe, Imani Vaughn-Jones - Total hours: 9. Juxtaposition- Ben Petersen, Johnathan Herrera - Total Hours: 3

This week has been a good week for me. I've learned a lot so far and each week I feel like I'm getting a better understanding of what I want to teach in the future. At Urban Arts Academy we had a substitute, Brad, he usually taught the preschoolers. We were both new so we went based on our other experiences and the directions Rosey left us. The kids had recess, snack then went to the classroom to work on their projects. There was this one point at recess when a kid was crying and wanted to go home. I wasn't sure exactly what to do so I got some help from the other teachers. They calmed her down and she went back to class. The assignment was for the class was to make friendship bracelets or continue on the play they've been working on. The kids seemed to like this project more than the previous one. I took this time to get to know the students better and find out what they liked. I'm curious now if I should create two separate activities for the class when I teach? 

At Juxtaposition, I had my first day working in the Textile Lab. The place was incredible, better than what I thought it would be. There was a mix of mostly high school apprentices and a few college ones. The apprentices continued to work on the alphabets they were designing that would later be screen printed. I had done a similar project like that one last semester for Type 1 so I was able to help the students get ideas down. I think I really hit it off with the apprentices and Ben. We had some good discussions and I learned a lot on my first day. 
