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Native Youth Arts Collective

Placement #3: Shadowing with Native Youth Arts Collective.

Location: MCAD, March 27th, 4:00-6pm

Last week (3/20/19) was spring break and we didn’t have group so we’ve been communicating a lot through facebook messenger. This week all groups presented their ideas and what mediums they would be working in. We got into groups and prepped our presentation and thought of other events we can go and film. For our project we planned to interview youth from the Little Earth community and let them lead the conversation around drugs, violence, reconnecting to culture and other barriers they see and how they would change it. This film will be a trailer for a larger project that the collective would like to work on over this summer. The class seemed excited about the project!

Myself along with the NYAC Coordinators Heidi and Joe

Myself along with the NYAC Coordinators Heidi and Joe