Post — MCAD Teaching Artist Practicum

I am going to be participating in two practicum residencies this semester as well as one shadowing placement. My first residency is with Jennifer Kraft's fifth grade class at Whittier International School in Minneapolis, just down the street from MCAD. My second residency is with Ulla Tervo-Desnick's first and second graders at Expo Elementary in St. Paul. At both of these residencies, I will be putting in 40 hours at each site which will include time in the classroom getting to know the students, becoming aware of the curriculum, and teaching my own lesson. I've reached out to both teachers and am hoping to hear back from them soon. I'm so excited to meet with the teachers and the kids and get some real, personal experience teaching in their classrooms!

My shadowing placement will be at Art Buddies, a program also at Whittier International. Hopefully I'll be able to work out the details of this placement soon. Overall, I'm super psyched for this semester and all of the new experiences and challenges it will bring.
