Residency - EXPO Elementary - Ulla Tervo-Desnick - 6 hrs


This was a busy past few days for the kids. They finished up their Ojibwe-inspired bandolier bags this week. Lots of kids were eager to keep adding and adding and adding different yarn, nature-inspired gems, and drawings to their bags, above and beyond the expectations Ulla had set for them. This really demonstrated to me how artistically inclined the kids are!

It's good to know that whatever project I end up doing, all of the kids will most likely be interested and engaged with it. I'm still unsure of whether or not I would like to do some sort of physical craft with them or use iPads. We were so busy this week, I didn't have the chance to see what kind of things the kids know how to do on their tablets. Next week, maybe I'll get the opportunity.


This week, the kids learned how to write book recommendations, as well as continue to work on their spelling and handwriting homework. I'm thinking there is a way to incorporate all of these Writer's Workshop activities into a project. Maybe something involving writing their own short stories? Whether on paper or on iPad, I'm sure something interesting and creative can be accomplished.