Post — MCAD Teaching Artist Practicum

Thursday 3/30/17 and Friday 3/31/17, Spectrum Artworks, Open Studio Hours 1-4.15pm and Collective Studio Hours 1-4pm - 6.15 Hours

This week was very busy again as always. Hopefully next semester I will get to take it a bit easier. Anyways I spent the beginning of the week by mostly doing homework none-stop, since I was sick last week and a bit behind in many classes. I also emailed back and forth with both Lynda Monick-Isenberg and Ulla Tervo-Desnick trying to figure out when I could teach my class at Expo Elementary. It was extremely difficult to get the schedules to work together, but after what must have been over twenty emails, we were finally able to set up a date that worked for everyone.

On Thursday at 1pm I went to Spectrum again. It was a very beautiful day out, and walking there in that nice weather was kind of nice. When I arrived, the studio was bustling with people, which is common on Thursdays because of the open studio hours. There was one new person who I hadn't met before, who had come to try out his artistic talent, so I spent awhile talking to them and figuring out what he should start making. At 2pm, Taylor (the other volunteer besides me and Iris) did a figure drawing demo for everyone. He was a natural teacher, and had formed a lesson that was easy for artists of every level to understand and learn from. After the demo, many people went ahead and tried out the methods he taught. It was fun seeing how helpful he was to them, but his talent at teaching made me slightly scared of my own lesson that is coming up next week. Can I be even close to as good as he was? Of course the subject I will be teaching is a lot different in many ways, and everyone teaches differently anyway. I should do fine!

On Friday I went to Spectrum at 1pm as well. Iris was there too. It was very quiet, with just two of the collective members present, and this worried me slightly because I wouldn't be able to help as much. Luckily Jes had come up with a completely different job for both me and Iris that day: we would be cutting out collage materials for the up-coming art journaling class. So we labeled a few different trays with words like "people", "colors", "textures" and etc. and then proceeded to find interesting-looking magazines to cut out pictures from. We spent three hours just cutting and I was surprised by how much fun it was. Many of the magazines were really old and full of goofy advertisements and pictures. I was originally supposed to leave at three, because that's when the studio closes, but I ended up staying until four helping Jes out. 

Me and Iris had fun cutting paper :D

Me and Iris had fun cutting paper :D

It was serious business.

It was serious business.

The result!

The result!

Iris, Jes and Me! A happy selfie after all that paper-cutting.

Iris, Jes and Me! A happy selfie after all that paper-cutting.

At four when me and Iris were about to leave, we noticed some of the Lighthouse staff members gathered in the main hall. We were curious and went to see what was going on. It turned out that one of the staff members had a hamster, so they were letting it run around the hall inside its "hamster-ball". I had never seen a hamster inside one of them before and it was a lot of fun just watching it adventure around the place, while being protected by the see-through plastic ball. I ended up taking three minutes worth of videos of it...

But yeah, next week's update will be exciting, since I will have completed my first lesson for the Teaching Artist Practicum -class. I just hope I'll have enough time to prepare for it, considering how much homework I have... Anyways, until then my readers!
