I was off this week due to spring break. I was able to revisit my Planning Backwards Model as well as finish one of two assessments. Honestly, I was a bit sad I wasn't able to see the students and their finished projects over at Hopkins but I know I will be able to see them all again soon. I felt like I had some really big personal break throughs this week as I reflected on my teaching experience at Hopkins from last week. I loved the project they completed and the intricacy of the project and how much thought was actually behind it is so brilliant. It really has pushed me to want to get better at teaching to have the ability to come up with amazing projects like that one. Speaking of amazing projects, I have also been in contact with Susan again and we are about to blast off into our adventure at the children's museum soon! I am very excited for this next adventure and I can't wait to see what's next in store for us there!