Designing Your OWN Sticker
School/Teacher/Classroom or Arts Organization/Mentor: Community of Peace Academy, Ms. Lor, Art
Grade Level or Age of Participants: High school, grades Junior and Seniors, 17-19 years old
MCAD Teaching Artist: Lizbeth Rosas Real
Number of Students: 23
Visual Arts Content or Standards:
The MN Art Standards that I will be using is:
1.) The Anchor Standard number “2. Artistic Process: Create,” “2. Generate and developed original artistic ideas.” Benchmark Explore and plan themes, ideas, concepts or styles in preparation for an artwork.”
2.) The Anchor Standard number “2. Artistic Process: Create,” “4. Revise and complete original artistic work,” Benchmark Engage in constructive critique with peers, then reflect on, revise and refine works of art to improve one’s original artistic intent.”
Overview of Project
The students will design a small artwork that will be turned into stickers! Their inspiration is from what they enjoy, like, or get inspired. They will be doing thumbnails, getting feedback, and creating final artwork. The artwork will be scanned and printed on sticker sheets.
“Big Ideas”/ Essential QUESTION(s):
What makes ‘it’ “art”?
What can art offer for you? In the present or in the future?
What is art?
Student Outcome Objectives:
Students will:
1. Design their stickers.
2. To create thumbnails and scaled sketch(s) before the final design.
3. Identify the design they want to create. Why that design or idea?
4. Have their own stickers.
Prior Knowledge
1. Definition of Art Elements and Principles
2. Creativity
3. Creating thumbnails
4. Using ink pens
5. Shading from light to dark, value
Lesson Preparation Timeline
Friday, March 1, 2019
· Meet Lynda!
· Get feedback from professor about my planning backwards
Saturday-Monday, March 2-4, 2019
· Revise the final planning backwards and PowerPoint from feedbacks from Lynda and Ms. Lor
· Send Ms. Lor and Lynda my final planning sheet and PowerPoint and sheets
Monday-Thursday, March 4-8, 2019
· Getting the materials ready
Saturday-Sunday, March 9-10, 2019
· Practice my PowerPoint
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
· Gather materials together for final check-ins
· Practice
· Sleep early!
Thursday, March 14, 2019
· Teach! Thumbnails and Final Sketch on final paper
Friday, March 15, 2019
· No School. Conference day!
Monday, March 18, 2019
· Teach! Inking and if finished early start coloring
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
· Teach! Adding value and final details.
· Gather everybody’s final design and worksheets
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
· Scan everyone’s final design.
· Print them in sticker sheets
· Cut them and put them together with their final design and worksheets
· Grade them for their final grade
Thursday, March 21, 2019
· Give everything back to them!
Saturday, March 22, 2019
· Self-Reflection
· Video Reflection
· Material Sheet
Examples of Artworks:
Example of stickers:
Diane Guzman, Estrella, Digital, 2019
DeepFriendPaint, N/A, Digital, N/A
Andy Valdes, “Welp & Bike More Made in MPLS,” Tradition and Digital, 2018
Lizbeth Rosas Real, “Cute Ice-Cream,” Color-pencil and Copic Markers, 2019
Examples for using color:
Pablo Picasso, “The Tragedy,” Oil on Canvas, 1903
Berthe Morisot, “Reading(la lecture),” 1888
Example for using value:
Snarkytuna, “Long Live the King.” Watercolor and Colorpencil, 2018
Additional Resources:
Artist from MCAD students( links)
Diane Guzman website:
Andy Valdes Instagram:
Snarkytuna Instagram:
Pablo Picasso:
Berthe Morisot :
The students will be sharing their sketches/thumbnails before class ends and get feedback on what can be improve, by sharing with a partner that isn’t in the same table but a different table.
When they have finished with their design on the second day, they will do a gallery walk to see everyone’s work and write down what they was successful about everyone and what can be improved.
I will ask for a written reflection and response to the project. What they liked, felt was successful and what could be improved.
1. Canson, Mixed Media paper
2. Ink pen like black micro, SAKURA, and Sharpies, and white gel pens
3. Color Pencils, Prima color pencils
4. Markers(Optional)
5. Graphite Pencils
Learning Activities and Timing:
1. Hand out the assignment and the ‘do-now’ instructions as student enter the room.
2. If student come in early, ask students to do their ‘do-know.’ 5 minutes when class begins to write things down or finish the list.
3. Present an overview of the project via the PowerPoint. The student will do 2 thumbnails based on their ‘do-now’ assignment to create a design for their sticker! 5 Minutes. Fast thumbnails. Circle the first choice.
4. Share thumbnails and their final thumbnail with a partner from a different table to get feedback. 5minutes.
5. Sketch final design on the good paper and ink it. 20 Minutes.
6. Clean up. 5 Minutes.
7. Next day, presenting. 5-10 minutes. Ink and start coloring. 35 Minutes.
8. Next day, presenting 5 Minutes they will color their design. 35Minutes.
9. Gallery walk. 5minutes.
10. Clean up.
11. Stickers will be scanned and printed in color and given with students with their original artwork and be graded.
Teaching Artist Reflection:
1. I am worried that some students won’t understand this kind of project because they are not use to it. I am worried that the students won’t be able have time in 2 days.
2. I think this project is helping the students be creative and chose what they want. That is the point of my practice for my teaching.
3. The students will be sharing their stickers with family or friends because they are getting more than one copy of their design.
How I will receive my teaching methodology and quality of the student work is by asking what I can improve by Ms. Lor and Ms. Claire, another art teacher that was added this year, and students for opinions or improvements when we all go around checking our Design.