South High School- David Olsen- 4.25 Hrs

MCTC- Gregory Rose- 4.25 Hrs

This week at South High School I talked with David about my lesson plan and how I wanted to format my presentation. We talked about my plan to transition it slowly from fine art ceramics to the more expanded world of fine art sculpture. He seemed to like the idea and we ended up talking about MCAD and other artists from there like Hillary and Tom. I talked about wanting to include them in the presentation to show some local artists and some possible next steps for the students. The rest of the class time was spent on gallery day. Students laid out their work and went from table to table writing and leaving comments for other students. They had been working on a mask project where they had to include some non-ceramic elements. They also got to vote as a class for best in show, most original, and most interesting non-ceramics use. It was a lot of fun and was an excuse for the students to move around the room and talk about each other’s work. At MCTC the students were coming back from spring break and finishing up their linear perspective drawings. Before they got to work Gregory had me lead lecture, reminding them of the rules of linear perspective and seeing contemporary artists who use it. Gregory gave them some extra time to work in class on doing the finishing touches of their linear perspective. So, we spent the majority of class going around answering student’s questions and helping them to flesh out their linear perspectives. For the last portion of class, we had critique. The students seemed to have really gotten into linear perspective and their drawings showed a lot of care.