Post — MCAD Teaching Artist Practicum

This was my last week working with Dorian and the students at Dyett High School as part of the Teaching Artist practicum. We've completed the majority of the first mural and have concrete plans for the installation across the hallway. I plan to continue assisting them until either the mural is finished or I move back to Minneapolis. I'm really grateful for the experience and insight that participating in this project has given me and I'm excited to see the mural completed. Dyett is a really important space for students who need and deserve access to resources and guidance in the arts and I'm honored to have had the chance to watch members of its first class grow as artists and collaborators while beginning to refine their own approaches to art and their own artistic practices. I hope to see more community-based and collaborative art from them in the future. Dorian is an incredible artist to work with; I really admire her ability to relate to individual students and build healthy and communicative student-teacher relationships with each of them while also encouraging and fostering the same communication in the students' interactions with each other.

Thank you Dorian! Thank you Dyett!


Hours: 5
